So in order to rekindle my creative energy I ventured out of our studio for a fine art binge.
I started at the Pei Ling Chan Gallery with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s Pulse spiral, an immense interactive lighting installation that responds to visitors heart beats. It was beautiful sensitive and extremely personal. The interaction between the art work and observer was intense and sublime. Watching those lights blink in time with my heart was a powerful experience.
Then I went to the Gutstein Gallery to see artwork by Mark Bradford, Andy Goldsworthy, and Do Ho Suh. The piece by Do Ho Suh , Gate- Small, 2003 was the high point of this stop. My stint as an intern at Art Pace, in San Antonio, familiarized me with the work of Do Ho Suh.
Then I warped up the evening with a lecture by Marina Abramović, the world renown performance artist. She read us her Artist Manifesto and told us about her life, her art, and the purpose and future of performance art.